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Fatima College Rugby was started in 1981 under the leadership of Stephen Camacho and Graham Chin. Over the years into the 1990s, Graham Chin also worked along with Garvin Pierre a Physical Education teacher at Fatima College to further develop rugby as part of the school program.

Fatima rugby is one of the most successful sporting programs of the College has won the Under 14 titles 3 times in a row in 2018, 2019, and 2020 coached by Maurice Valere, and prior to that in 19980-2002 being coached by Graham Chin. The under 18s also saw victories over rivals such as Diego Martin Secondary, St. Mary’s College, St. Anthony’s College, and International School during the years of 2001, 2003, and 2004 also coached by Graham Chin, Dale Trotman, and Phillip O’Sullivan. The Under 18s also shared victories six times in an eight-year period between 2012 to 2017 reaching the finals each time during that period. This group was coached by Kevin Wells.

The rugby program has also achieved recent ventures such as the annual 5k Breakfast and also the first inaugural 7s Tournament both of which are geared towards building the program even more through upgrading equipment for the players and coaches.

Training of the players has had a long tradition of being done on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school on the Fatima College field. Training has also shifted to the Queen’s park Savanna so that the players get a feel for a field of an official size field and accustomed to the space for games.

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